News of a Covid-19 vaccine from Pfizer is good news for nurses


Pfizer recently announced some inspiring news for nurses (and all healthcare providers) out there who are looking for a light at the end of the tunnel for Covid-19. The vaccine is showing a greater than 90% effectiveness, far higher than the estimates from earlier on in the pandemic.

This news comes at a time in the US when Covid is hitting record numbers and ravaging places like El Paso, TX, where United States Air Force medical teams have been deployed to assist with the massive surge in cases. With the news of the total case count just surpassed 10 million cases, the future was looking bleak and nurses have been bearing the brunt of this pandemic for months now.

While the Pfizer vaccine still needs more time for data collection (patients must be observed for 2 months after their second dose to monitor for adverse symptoms), the news of a possible vaccine and a way out of this pandemic had nurses celebrating and looking forward to more good news in the future.

Do you think the vaccine will be out before the end of the year? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below!


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